Input and Output

A standard format for storing tokamak equilibrium data is G-EQDSK which contains the poloidal flux in (R,Z) and 1D profiles of pressure, f=RB_\phi, safety factor q, and other quantities related to the Grad-Shafranov solution. The G-EQDSK format does not however have a standard for specifying the location of, and currents in, the poloidal field coils. This makes writing G-EQDSK files quite straightforward, but reading them more challenging, as these coil currents must be inferred.

The implementation of the file input and output is divided into a high level interface in freegs.geqdsk and a low level interface in freegs._geqdsk. The high level interface handles Equilibrium objects, whilst the low level interface handles simple dictionaries.

Writing G-EQDSK files

Import the geqdsk module from freegs, passing an Equilibrium object and a file handle:

from freegs import geqdsk

with open("lsn.geqdsk", "w") as f:
  geqdsk.write(eq, f)

Reading G-EQDSK files

This is complicated by the need to infer the currents in the coils. To do this the locations of the coils need to be specified. An example is which reads a file produced by First create a machine object which specifies the location of the coils

from freegs import machine
tokamak = machine.TestTokamak()

Reading the file then consists of

from freegs import geqdsk
with open("lsn.geqdsk") as f:
  eq =, tokamak, show=True)

This read function has the following stages:

  1. Reads the plasma state from the file into an Equilibrium object
  2. Uses the control system to find starting values for the coil currents, keeping the plasma boundary and X-point locations fixed
  3. Runs the Grad-Shafranov picard solver, keeping profiles and boundary shape fixed. This adjusts the plasma solution and coil currents to find a self-consistent solution.

The show optional parameter displays a plot of the equilibrium, and shows the stages in the Grad-shafranov solve.

Some options are:

  1. domain = (Rmin, Rmax, Zmin, Zmax) which can be used to specify the (R,Z) domain to solve on. This is useful for reading inputs from fixed boundary codes like SCENE, where the X-point(s) may lie outside the domain. The coil current feedback needs to find where the edge of the plasma is, so needs to find an X-point to work correctly. The grid spacing is never allowed to increase, so this may result in an increase in the number of grid points.
  2. blend is a number between 0 and 1, and is used in the nonlinear Picard iteration. It determines what fraction of the previous solution is used in the next solution. The default is 0, so no blending is done. Adding blending (e.g. 0.5, 0.7) usually slows convergence, but can stabilise oscillating or unstable solutions.
  3. fit_sol is False by default, so only points inside the separatrix are used when fitting the coil currents to match the input poloidal flux. This is useful in cases like reading SCENE inputs, where the poloidal flux in the Scrape-Off Layer (SOL) is not valid in the input. Setting fit_sol=True causes the whole input domain to be used in the fitting. Currently this is NOT compatible with setting a domain. It is useful when the locations of strike points need to be matched, and may better constrain coil currents for free boundary inputs (e.g. EFIT).

Specifying coil currents

A feedback control system is used to keep the plasma boundary and X-point locations fixed whilst adjusting the coil currents. If additional information about coil currents is available, then this can be used to fix some or all of the coil currents.

To see a list of the coils available:


[('P1L', Coil(R=1.0,Z=-1.1,current=0.0,control=True)),
('P1U', Coil(R=1.0,Z=1.1,current=0.0,control=True)),
('P2L', Coil(R=1.75,Z=-0.6,current=0.0,control=True)),
('P2U', Coil(R=1.75,Z=0.6,current=0.0,control=True))]

Before calling, specify the coil currents in the tokamak object:

tokamak["P1L"].current = 5e4  # Amp-turns

This will give the control system a starting value for the coil currents, but since the coil is still under feedback control it may still be altered. To fix the current in the coil turn off control:

tokamak["P1L"].control = False  # No feedback control (fixed current)

Writing DivGeo files

These are used as input to the SOLPS grid generator. They contain a subset of what’s in G-EQDSK files, with no plasma pressure or current profiles.

To convert a G-EQDSK file directly to DivGeo without any solves, and without needing to know the coil locations, use the low-level routines:

from freegs import _geqdsk
from freegs import _divgeo

with open("input.geqdsk") as f:
  data =

with open("output.equ", "w") as f:
  _divgeo.write(data, f)

FreeGS equilibria objects can also be written to DivGeo files using the divgeo module:

from freegs import geqdsk
from freegs import divgeo
from freegs.machine import TestTokamak

# Read a G-EQDSK file
with open("lsn.geqdsk") as f:
  eq =, TestTokamak(), show=True)

# Modify the equilbrium...

# Save to DivGeo
with open("lsn.equ", "w") as f:
  divgeo.write(eq, f)